Psychological Consultation in English - Biuro ds. Osób z Niepełnosprawnościami UEK

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Psychological Consultation in English



We are pleased to inform, that the Office for Students with Disabilities at CUE broadens the scope of support provided to students. All foreign English speaking students who are on exchange programmes or study full time at our University have the opportunity to benefit from free psychological consultations in English.

If you need help - don't wait, contact us today!

Alina Mioduszewska, MA

language: Polish and English
form: stationary or online

Send an email to:

Zdjęcie profilowe Pani psycholog Aliny Mioduszewskiej


Alina Mioduszewska
- few words about me:

I am a psychologist and a psychotherapist in training. I currently study psychodynamic psychotherapy. Besides that,
I am inspired by existential, Jungian, and third-wave CBT approaches.

The most important for me is real help, alleviating human suffering, and elevating a person's potential. Apart from psychology, I am interested in foreign languages, cultural studies, and art. I conduct consultations in Polish and English. Feel free to sign up for a consultation with me.

Schedule of psychological consultations:,78,dla-studentow 

Place of stationary consultations: block U (Ustronie)room No 008 (psychologist`s room), or online.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to arrange consultation in advance. Please email us on:

Additional information available:

  • via phone: +48 12 293 51 18
  • in person - block Ustronie, room 008


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